Northern Ireland VS Germany

Northern Ireland VS Germany

The compounds Northern Ireland - Germany

first start for Mario Gomez.

XI of ireland Norde

McGovern, Hughes, McAuley, Cath-cart, J.Evans, Davis, C.Evans, Nor-wood, Dallas, Ward, Washington.

The XI Germany

Neuer, Kimmich, Hummels, Boateng, Hector, Kroos, Khedira, Götze, Özil, Muller, Gomez.

The two teams clash for the first time since 2005 allmande 4-1 win in Belfast.
The Ireland North is a historic qualification, Germany wants secured first place in Group C.
The Mannschaft won 12 of his last 15 matches in the EURO and the World Cup.

<In the days game Allemagne makes their way to the second tour of the tournament of the EURO after the win over Nord Irlande 1-0 this past tuesday .
In the final round of Group C game in the first round of the tournament.
Scored the only goal of a match Mario Gomez in the 31st minute.
The win made Germany occupies the top of Group C with seven points, while Northern Ireland stuck at point 3.>

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